Healing Power
MK-667 (lbutamoren) has the ability to increase muscle growth and weight loss while repairing damaged muscles, tendons and ligaments.
CBD is can be used as a pain killer while blocking inflammation enhancing sleep, mood and appetite.
Benefits for the athlete.
Increased lean muscle mass
Improved sleep quality
Strengthen the heart
Increases protein synthesis
Enhances the immune system
Reduces belly fat through lipolysis
Improves sex drive and libido by stimulation of hypothalamus
Mk677 and CBD together could help in faster recovery helping you train more often. CBD connects with the receptors in the body's endocannabinoid system helping regulating the body's metabolism and appetite. This can help muscle mass and strength increase.
1-3 Capsules per day
99.9% MK-677
We strongly recommend you do not take this product if you have any of the following medical conditions:- diabetes - kidney or liver problems - heart disease or angina - circulation conditions.
Always seek medical advice before researching.